Red de Comercialización, la Venta Directa Expo & Conference, Dubai

martes, 8 de enero de 2008

DubaiMLM Is Setting New World Records Daily... ENGLISH

DubaiMLM Is Setting New World Records Daily... ENGLISH

Dear DubaiMLM Associate,

We have had nearly 40,000 DubaiMLM Associates in 185 countries sign up in less than 15 business days. This is a new MLM world record and you're a part of it! We would like to clarify that there is no "one man" behind DubaiMLM. There were over 100 MLM consultants, as well as traditional consultants, intimately involved in the creation of DubaiMLM. These same consultants continue to be involved with DubaiMLM on an ongoing basis. The preparation time that it took to conceptualize, plan and pre-launch DubaiMLM was over 3 years. DubaiMLM was scheduled to launch in July of 2008; however, at the last board meeting, it was decided that we had enough to offer the world by January 30, 2008. It was also decided at that time that DubaiMLM was ready for Pre-Launch in mid December 2007.
There are many powerful and successful individuals behind DubaiMLM, including 38 individuals who are million dollar earners.
These individuals come from the MLM sector as well as the private sector. We have many powerful connections in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Europe, USA and around the world. Our team will create the most successful MLM Opportunity offered around The World. TEN MILLION ASSOCIATES are easily within reach. DubaiMLM is the only program where people can truly sponsor or refer an average of, NOT 1, 2 or 3 people, but an average of 5, 10, 15 or more. We already have people who have referred in excess of 200 people. However, this plan has been designed to accommodate you, even if all you do is refer just two or three people, your fifty levels will far exceed your GREATEST EXPECTATIONS...
Please ensure that you adhere to the 100% NO SPAM POLICY. Just telling 10 people whom you personally know will give you more success and financial independence than you ever dreamed you would have.

Brad Williams
Vice President Of Global Marketing

Te está tocando vivir y enterarte del nacimiento de una OPORTUNIDAD HISTÓRICA!
Tenemos los AHORAS, los LUEGOS Y los NUNCAS!!
¿Cuál de estos eres tu?

Afiliación Gratuita por Prelanzamiento en:

Felicidades y Éxitos
Carlos Félix

PD: Cambia tus datos y duplica esta información para ganar todos.

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